Who are the bad guys?
Globally the primary bad guys are in 1 of 4 nations, - China,
Iran, Russia, North Korea. They are supporting the worst of the bad guys trying
to wreak havoc on the rest of the world. They are on an industrial espionage mission to
gather secrets and harm other nations.
Conventional Cybercriminals are very active as well but, for
them, monetary gain is their primary motivation. Unfortunately, the lines
between cybercriminals and the transgressing nations are blurring as many of
the nationally supported bad guys are moonlighting to fatten their own bank
accounts. In short, the threats are wide-ranging and are coming from many
sources. They are not picky, they’ll crash through any unlocked door. You have
information to share that will further their efforts. We here at 10D encourage
you to protect yourself, which in turn protects us … your neighbor.
If you don’t have a plan, call us, we can
help. 541.243.4103