
Buying local?

When you buy local, your money stays local, and it strengthens the local economy in two ways. First, buying local fuels new employment and job opportunities for people within the community. Studies show, locally owned businesses employ more people per unit of sales, and retain more employees. Further, the expansion and growth of local businesses helps create a more stable, recession-resistant local economy and community alike.

Second, buying local keeps money circulating within the local economy. Cash flow is vital for prosperity and local businesses recirculate a greater share of every dollar, as they create locally owned supply chains and invest in their employees. An additional study found that local retailers return a total of 52 percent of their revenue to the local economy, compared to just 14 percent for the national chain retailers. Money circulating through the local economy benefits everyone who receives a transaction. 

We are disappointed our local city and county decided to buy from a chain that have no local employees or presence other than the phone systems they have installed.

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